Lent 2021 Resource Here
The Reverend Dr. Beth Rupe served congregations in Kentucky while attending Lexington Theological Seminary and in Illinois following her ordination. Prior to going to seminary, Beth was an Outpatient Therapist at a community mental health center. She received a BS with honors in Psychology from Western Illinois University (1988) and a MS in Clinical/ Community Mental Health Psychology from Western Illinois University (1990). Beth received her MDiv from Lexington Theological Seminary (2002). She was ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) by the Christian Church in Illinois Wisconsin. She received her DMin from Lexington Theological Seminary (2014). Her focus of study was liturgical renewal particularly the importance of lament in Disciples Worship.
Beth is the Interim Minister for Disciples Women for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in IL and WI (CCIW). She serves as McLean Livingston Regional Elder and is a member of the CCIW Ethic’s Investigation Team and the CCIW Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism Committee/ Team. Click Here for the 2021 Resource.
Beth served as the Worship Coordinator for the 2010 International Disciples Women’s Ministries (IDWM) Quadrennial that was held in Greensboro, North Carolina. She has written Advent, Easter, and Week of the Laity Resources for the Office of Christian Education of the Department of Homeland Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Special Offering Resources for the Reconciliation Office of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and has published book reviews in The Lexington Theological Seminary Quarterly. Writing for Just Women the publication of the International Disciples Women’s Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Beth published a bible study in 2016, provided quarterly study guides for the publication, and authored the column Prayer Stations which considered women of the church and their diverse prayer practices.
Beth is married to Mark. They have two children, Sarah (Aaron) and Benjamin, and two granddaughters Chloe and Emilia Her hobbies include reading, knitting, quilting and listening to music. She also enjoys cooking, especially for her family and friends. She finds strength in contemplative prayer and feels called by God to work for justice. She spent much of 2020 binge watching Netflix, Hulu and HBO Max, reading, and longing to travel and be with family and friends.