Disciples Justice for Children

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Voting Rights Playlist

Playlists are a helpful way of meaningfully engaging with an idea or topic. They can used as small group discussion starters, for personal devotions, or…

IDAC Statement on Police, Disabilities, and Racism

INTERFAITH DISABILITY ADVOCACY COLLABORATIVE October 2020 Statement on Police, Disabilities, and Racism Rev. Dr. Kate Epperly, Minister of Justice and Advocacy for Families and Children,…

The Concert Across America to End Gun Violence

    Concert Across America Livestreaming on Facebook October 7 8:00-9:30 pm EST 5:00-6:30 pm PST As all of you know, Grandmothers Against Gun Violence…

An Interfaith Reflection on the ADA: 30 Years Later

Wednesday, July 22nd, 12 pm – 1 pm EST Dear Friends of Disability Justice, Below is an announcement for IDAC’s July 22 commemoration of the…

Answering The Call to Respond to Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence

At our last General Assembly we adopted Resolution GA-1928, A Call to See and Respond to the Crisis of Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence, (DV/IPV) for…

Prayer and Action for Asylum Seekers!

Disciples RIM and Disciples Justice for Children invite you to Join the National #Faith4Asylum Day of Prayer and Action Beginning January 29,2020!  On the occasion…

Ok Boomers: Let’s Deal with Racism

The new year is here. Are you ready? 2020 will be a pivotal year for our nation. Much will ride upon upon how justice seeking…