Men’s Discipleship Council is the formal organization of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, with the purpose of ministering to the unique needs of men in the church, enabling them to fulfill their potential as servants of God, and strengthening the total ministry of the church.
Men’s Discipleship Council (MDC) is comprised of three men from each of the five geographic regional clusters, two representatives from the National Convocation, Obra Hispana, and North American Pacific/Asian Disciples and one representative from the Center of Indigenous Ministries. The Executive Committee consists of the President, President-elect, Secretary Treasurer, and three members-at-large.
The Men’s Ministries Endowment Fund (or MMEF) was established several decades ago as a Permanent Endowment managed by the Christian Church Foundation on behalf of the General Conference of Disciples Men.
A portion of the endowment’s interest, every year, is provided to the Executive Committee of the General Conference as financial support for the planning and implementation of Men’s programming at the national level (United States and Canada).
Download a brochure to learn more about the MMEF and find out how you can make tax-exempt donations. It is also possible to honor a person supporting Men’s ministries by generating a named sub-fund under the MMEF umbrella. Please call the Christian Church Foundation for details at (800) 668-8016.
Director of Disciples MenGreg Alexander, Versailles, KY Associate Director of Disciples MenAlex Ruth, Springfield, IL PresidentRon Petrick, Burnet, TX President ElectVacant Past PresidentStuart Price, Auburn, AL Pastor CounselorVacant |
Members-at-LargeMilton Bowens, Moore, OK Charles Curtis, Utica, MS David Garshaw, Bloomington, IN Jose Garza, Commerce, TX Randy Hill, Smith Center, KS Rev. KyeongJung Kim (KJ Kim), Stephenville, TX Paul Koch, Marceline, MO Kevin Lue, Elk Grove, CA Mikel Mayer, Wheeling, WV Ken Weidman, Hollywood, FL
An updated listing of the Regional Presidents and Staff can be found here.