Keys to Success

There are several characteristics that have become apparent as keys to successful Disciples Men organizations. Below are just few to help you get started. These can be used as “ice breakers” in your discussions about starting a men’s group within your congregation.DM_-_MenSign.jpg

  • Men become enthusiastic when they are around other men who are consistently enthusiastic and who are committed and dedicated to a common cause.
  • Men are excited about coming together as men to celebrate life as men and are enthusiastic about all-male worship services.
  • Men are enthusiastic about doing something that they can “own.”
  • Men enjoy and appreciate projects/studies that they can follow through to completion.
  • Men are interested in Bible Study.DM-_bible_study_pic.jpg
  • Not every man fits one program.
  • Men respond to praise and recognition.


Resources of interest to Disciples Men