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Sakuma Brothers/Driscoll

...(FUJ) in Washington state!! Go to full post. NFWM Board Endorses Boycott of Sakuma Berries The Board of Directors of the

Behind the Braids tour takes the Mid-Atlantic by storm!

Shout out to National Farm Workers Ministry Board members, the Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director of Re

Message from NFWM Board

At the recent National Farm Workers Ministry (NFWM) board meeting in Fresno, California January 24 to 31,

New! Refugees Welcome Summer Legislator Postcard!!

Please deliver to, scan and email, or mail your national, state, and loc

Webinars on July 10th & 13th

...sanctuary, an attorney who can help participants understand the legal challenges of sanctuary,

“Immigrant Welcoming” Resolution Passes at General Assembly

On Monday, July 10th, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries’ Director joined with Immigration Legal Counsel,

2023 Anton Boisen Professional Service Award

...the Board of Chaplaincy Certification, Inc., for more than 30 years, serving as APC state representative for Mississippi

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