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Disciples Join Faith Partners in Refugee Foot Washing to Hold Administration Accountable for Record Low Refugee Arrivals

...Christians to underscore the importance of welcome and serving the marginalized. Faith leaders used today

Video Clip Links on Immigration & Refugee Themes

...(in the voices of children) How Family Separation Traumatized Children https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/569572/fa

Background & Resources

...Mendoza, 42, from Peru, joined the “Fast for Families” on the National Mall to compel congr

Green Chalice Gathering June 6, 7pm ET Register today! 

Clergy and Lay Leaders of established or emerging Green Chalice churches are welcome to join in this informative and spirit

Eldership in Cultural Contexts

Eldership in Cultural Contexts Ministry today takes place in a culturally complex world.

American Dream and Promise Act

...United States, commonly referred to as “dreamers,” and other long-term U.S. residents who have lived and wor

Fern Way Farm School- Church Camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Great news! Christmount has received a substantial gift to help underwrite most of the costs for the Fern

The Blessing Box

...Women Bible Study and other study materials Women’s participation with ecumenical entities such as Bread for the <

Statements from Disciples & UCC Leaders & Partners

...Feb2117 Christian Church in Indiana statement Church World Service and member church leaders’ quo

National Religious Leaders Speak Out

...Security Appropriations Act for 2015 in the U.S. House of Representatives. Special note: Religious leaders are available

Unity in a Divided World

...uploading a video about what each of our current 10 members are passionate about. This month is Clayton Summers talking


...World Population Growth; 7326 Concerning the Negative Impact of Strip-Mining; 7338 Concerning Ecology;

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