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Just Church

...to help with housing http://www.marketwatch.com/story/apartmentfindercom-gives-back-to-aid-residents-of-el-reno-oklahoma

Faith and Human Rights Partners in the “Value Our Families” Coalition Raise Concerns About Anti-Immigrant Bills

...Americans Advancing Justice, Church World Service, and The National K

Religious Leaders Denounce Trump Administration’s Latest Attack on Immigrant Children

...Director, National Justice for Our Neighbors. Said Rev. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Disciples Refugee

Policymakers Urged to Protect Refugees

News June 14, 2014 Policymakers Urged to Protect Refugees and Prevent Abuse at U.S. &ndas

Faith Leaders Celebrate Court Decision

...Refugee Service “The National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd applauds Judge

Eldership in Cultural Contexts

Eldership in Cultural Contexts Ministry today takes place in a culturally complex world.

Disciples Join Faith Partners in Refugee Foot Washing to Hold Administration Accountable for Record Low Refugee Arrivals

...Catholic News Agency and Sojourners The Interfaith Immigration Coalition is made up of

Video Clip Links on Immigration & Refugee Themes

...(in the voices of children) How Family Separation Traumatized Children https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/569572/fa

Design for Youth Ministry

...and provide a link for denominational youth to ecumenical and inter

4th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Upholds Block on Trump’s Travel Ban

The Disciples RIM Staff celebrates the 4th Circuit Appeals Court ruling in Richmond, Va. on May 25 that up

Rural Faith Leaders Join Workers Calling for Protection and Relief from COVID-19 Outbreaks

Washington, DC – Earlier today, rural faith leaders and organizers


...World Population Growth; 7326 Concerning the Negative Impact of Strip-Mining; 7338 Concerning Ecology;

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