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Labor-2 Resources

...page for a program, to sign-up for newsletter updates and to link with newest resource

Disciples Join Faith Partners in Refugee Foot Washing to Hold Administration Accountable for Record Low Refugee Arrivals

...Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries, sstanley@dhm.disciples.org, 202-957-7826. To subscribe to regular


...Newsletters Online Store Social Action and Justice Opportunities Stewardship Tools for Leadership Manua

DHS Raids Other Agencies’ Budgets to Fund More Immigrant Detention: Religious Leaders React

...of medical care in immigration jail has led to preventable deaths of children and adults, among other human tragedies. (

Public Charge

...“Public Charge” rule and its potential impacts: https://www.disciplesimmigration.org/legal<

Climate summit speakers urge churches to act now — and act like a jazz band

...keynote speakers — and herself an evangelical Christian. The topics of the videos range from what

DWM History

...the Scriptures we might have hope. May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such

Design for Youth Ministry

...built on the prior models and on the natural idealism of youth and their desire for a way to do something important with

Letter to Congress on Anti-Immigrant Tactics

800 Clergy Sign Letter to Congress Rebuking Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Tactics Letter recommends three congressional acti

Disciples Men

...directly anyone interested in receiving our updates and/or The Voice Newsletter. If yo

Join Disciples RIM Events at GA

...updates, and to learn more on how YOU can engage!! Also, join in an “Immigrant Journey Stations o


Disciples Farm Worker Ministries Updates June 2014 On May 28th, Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, CC(DOC) General M

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