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Green Chalice Gathering June 6, 7pm ET Register today! 

Clergy and Lay Leaders of established or emerging Green Chalice churches are welcome to join in this infor

Link By Link – 2- Immigration/Labor

Breaking the Chains: Link By Link – Immigration / Labor Trafficking (Compiled by Disciples Refugee &

Labor-3 Organizations

Breaking the Chains: Link By Link – Immigration / Labor Trafficking Section 3: Links to Organization

Statements from Disciples & UCC Leaders & Partners

...Feb2117 Christian Church in Indiana statement Church World Service and member church l

The Blessing Box

...Women Bible Study and other study materials Women’s participation with ecumenical entities such a

Faith Leaders Denounce White Supremacy and Call Administration to Welcome Immigrants

...a serious national conversation about our complicity in racism and bigotry, an

Join THIS Saturday’s National Day of Action

June 30th will be a National Day of Action to End Family Separation & Detention with events at the Whi

More Than 400 Faith Leaders & Organizations Nationwide Urge Support for Haitians at Risk for Deportation

...today that 248 leaders from across faith traditions and 168 faith-based organizations

Unity in a Divided World

...uploading a video about what each of our current 10 members are passionate about. This month is Clayton Summers talking


...Newsletters Online Store Social Action and Justice Opportunities Stewardship Tools for

Disciples Statement in Response to Supreme Court Ruling re: Refugee and Muslim Bans

...‘the foreigner who resides with you…as the native born among you’ (Leviticus 19:34). Today

Lenten Devotions: #Faith4DACA Youth

There is no way that I can do my work without addressing today’s unconscionable suffering of immigra

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