210 Search Results Found For: "Finance cleantalkorg2.ru news am usa news today bbc news news word Breaking News World News Breaking News"

Disciples African-American History

History of African American Disciples Raymond Brown, former DHM interim president, reports “black membership in pract

Faith Leaders Celebrate Court Decision

...District Judge Dolly Gee ruled that the Obama Administration’s practice of detaining immigrant fa

Leaders Celebrate Senate’s Historic Immigration Vote

June 28, 2013 Disciples of Christ Leaders Celebrate Senate’s Historic Immigration Vote, Prepare NEXT for House Discus

Climate summit speakers urge churches to act now — and act like a jazz band

...been a topic of Moss’s sermons and lectures, including “Stay Woke: Remaining Conscious in an Unconscious

Disciples Support Legal Assistance

...& Refugee Policy, Church World Service; Rob Rutland-Brown, Executive Director, Nat

Everything Must Change

Everything must change Nothing stays the same Everyone will change No one stays the same Those words are f

DPF T-Shirt Small

The latest t-shirt from Disciples Peace Fellowship features our logo filled in with the word peace in seve

DPF T-Shirt XX-Large

The latest t-shirt from Disciples Peace Fellowship features our logo filled in with the word peace in seve

DPF T-Shirt X-Large

The latest t-shirt from Disciples Peace Fellowship features our logo filled in with the word peace in seve

DPF T-Shirt XXX-Large

The latest t-shirt from Disciples Peace Fellowship features our logo filled in with the word peace in seve

From Student Visa to Green Card

...learn how you might pursue your call to ministry in the U.S. long term. Come get information for yourself or for a frien

DPF T-Shirt Large

The latest t-shirt from Disciples Peace Fellowship features our logo filled in with the word peace in seve

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