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May 8-9 Refugee Advocacy Days and June 16 Refugee Welcome Sunday

Disciples Friends of Refugees, This year, the administration has set a national U.S. refugee admissions go

RIM Wrap: Sept. 28 Refugee Program

...WELCOME to at least 75,000 refugees in the coming year! Yet, news outlets are reporting that the Trump

Ash Wednesday Service with Dreamers

...Noel Andersen (Church World Service): “To everyone that is upholding this sinful

About Us

...DHM Association of Disciples Intentional Interim Ministers Christmount Christian Assembly Disciples Peace Fellowship Gen

Fern Way Farm School- Church Camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Great news! Christmount has received a substantial gift to help underwrite most of the costs for the Fern

Leaders Celebrate Senate’s Historic Immigration Vote

June 28, 2013 Disciples of Christ Leaders Celebrate Senate’s Historic Immigration Vote, Prepare NEXT for House Discus

Raise Your Faith Voice

Raise Your Faith Voice on Senate Immigration Bill & Gov’t Shutdown! Call Before Thurs. Vote! Proposed Senate Immi

International Disciples Women’s Ministries

International Disciples Women’s Ministries (IDWM) 1953 the ICWF (U.S. and Canada) w

Living Out Pentecost’s Compassion and Unity

...bold proclamation as the Spirit prompted them. ” Acts 2:2-4 God has sent the unifying power of the Spirit of God <

Frequently Asked Questions

...mandated in Romans 13 and serving undocumented immigrants: we can minister to immigrants’ physica

All Rights for All, Without Borders

...faith partners are against family separation and detention, during The National Press

...(FUJ) in Washington state!!: Dear Supporters, September 5, 2016 As of today we have officially agreed t

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