Advent stories. These stories are download only.

DHM Receives $1.2 Million Grant for CWW&W Initiative

Disciples Home Missions (DHM) recently received news that it has received a $1,240,000 grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help strengthen and expand DHM’s Children...

Holiday Greetings from DHM President and CEO

Chris Dorsey, President and CEO of Disciples Home Missions, shares greetings to you and yours this Holiday Season. Thank you for your support and for...

Join us for Funding for Good: Workshop on Community Collaboration and Grant Writing

Funding for Good: Community Collaboration and Grant Writing November 21st at 8pm ET With Kara Whitehouse and Green Chalice guests. This webinar is a collaboration...

Voting Rights Playlist

Playlists are a helpful way of meaningfully engaging with an idea or topic. They can used as small group discussion starters, for personal devotions, or...

Mental Health, Climate and Faith- Opportunities for health in the midst of crisis.

The National Resources Defense Council  published an article about the growing impacts of climate anxiety, suggesting that we should not "bottle it up—openly acknowledging your...

Meet & Greet: Managerrie Winston

Log on next month to meet and chat with our new Coordinator for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults. She will be sharing her hopes...

Welcome Minister Managerrie Winston!

Disciples Home Missions is pleased to announce Minister Managerrie Winston as the settled Coordinator for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults. She comes to us...

2023 Anton Boisen Professional Service Award

The Reverend Jeffrey (Jeff) Murphy MDiv BCC has been an BCCI Certified Chaplain since 1993.  He served as a staff chaplain at the University of...

Green Chalice is exploring new “Heights” after generous donation. 

It has been just over a year since Heights Christian Church, Houston, TX offered a generous donation to Green Chalice. We are offering deep gratitude...

Juneteenth: Remember – Reflect – Recommit

Growing up in Texas, I remember celebrating Juneteenth every year. My grandfather and grandmother made sure we did. It was a family tradition just like...

The 2024 Black Leadership Project Grant Application is OPEN!!

We want to support you in strengthening leaders through education, innovation, and care.  The deadline to submit grant applications is May 31, 2024. Application Link :

Green Chalice Gathering-4/23, 7 ET- Kansas State, FCC Princeton, Brentwood CC, Camp Caroline

Green Chalice Online Gathering April, 23, 7pm ET Clergy, Lay Leaders of established or emerging Green Chalice churches and people interested in active hope are...